Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
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Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 05 May 2006

Topic: 36 chinatown

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
me 2
Posted 05 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Congratssssss asian be happy always
Posted 05 May 2006

Topic: Bollywood

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
q2= preity zinta
Posted 05 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 05 May 2006

Topic: Rapunzel

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Desi_MC said:

aise hee tang naa kero rapu ko.....
jaaahilz logo....

rapuu gimme yo cell number ima give u a call
n gimme yo msn addie we'll share few words...
u frm ma neighbour

Posted 05 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
26 pages...its not long
Posted 05 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
rapunzel said:

aap ko kya hua Ather sahib
y u r so ?

Posted 05 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Doctor Sam said:

dil khush ho gya hey nazm parh k...

shaabashi hey aapko nikammay bhai...

Posted 05 May 2006

Topic: Rapunzel

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 05 May 2006

Topic: Helpppppp

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
all happend suddenly
Posted 05 May 2006

Topic: Helpppppp

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
black & white colours
Posted 05 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Congratssssssss meenu's mother kee[ it up
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
pata nahi
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
another mission...sure worth watching
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
..summer main pak-eng in england
Posted 04 May 2006

Topic: Nahi Milunga

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
paan kha raha hoon
Posted 04 May 2006

Topic: mY pIC

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
tt pic post karo
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
means good
Posted 04 May 2006

Topic: Bollywood

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
q2= lara dutta
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
looks like a wedding
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Asian said:

sk come cardiff i take you cinema with me

we can go to a resturant after

Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
wowwwwwww..seen yesterday,,,awesomeeeee love it
Posted 04 May 2006

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
happens take it easy
Posted 03 May 2006

Topic: Hadees

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands

Narrated by Tariq ibn Shihab

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: The Friday prayer in congregation is a necessary duty for every Muslim, with four exceptions; a slave, a woman, a (young) boy, and a sick person.


Narrated by
Hafsah Ummul Mu'minin

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: It is necessary for every adult (person) to go for (saying) Friday (prayer), and for everyone who goes for Friday (prayer) washing is necessary.


Narrated by Al-Ja'd ad-Damri

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: He who leaves the Friday prayer (continuously) for three Friday on account of slackness, Allah will print a stamp on his heart.


Narrated by

Transmitted by Sahih Bukhari
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said, "When it is a Friday, the angels stand at the gate of the mosque and keep on writing the names of the persons coming to the mosque in succession according to their arrivals. The example of the one who enters the mosque in the earliest hour is that of one offering a camel (in sacrifice). The one coming next is like one offering a cow and then a ram and then a chicken and then an egg respectively. When the Imam comes out (for Jumua prayer) they (i.e. angels) fold their papers and listen to the Khutba." [Vol 2:#51]


Narrated by AbuHurayrah

Transmitted by Muslim
Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: He who took a bath and then came for Jumu'ah prayer and then prayed what was fixed for him, then kept silence till the Imam finished the sermon, and then prayed along with him, his sins between that time and the next Friday would be forgiven, and even of three days more.


Narrated by Anas ibn Malik

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Apostle of Allah (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) prohibited to sit on hips by erecting feet, sticking them to the stomach and holding them with hands on Friday while the imam is delivering the sermon.


Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: Three types of people attend Friday prayer; One is present in a frivolous way and that is all he gets from it; another comes with a supplication, Allah may grant or refuse his request as He wishes; another is present silently and quietly with-out stepping over a Muslim or annoying anyone, and that is an atonement for his sins till the next Friday and three days more, the reason being that Allah, the Exalted, says: "He who does a good deed will have ten times as much"


Narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: Friday is divided into twelve hours. Amongst them there is an hour in which a Muslim does not ask Allah for anything but He gives it to him. So seek it in the last hour after the afternoon prayer.
Posted 03 May 2006

Topic: Hadees

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "There are six good qualities which one believer should display to another: he should visit him when he is ill, be present when he dies, accept his invitation when he gives one, salute him when he meets him, say 'Allah have mercy on you' when he sneezes, and act sincerely towards him whether he is absent or present."

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Nisai transmitted it. Hadith No. 4630 of Mishkat al-Masabih.

Abdullah heard the Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said: O people! Spread the Salam (greetings), feed (the poor and needy), behave kindly to your blood relations, offer prayer when others are asleep, and (thus) enter Paradise in peace.

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Salam (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja and Darimi transmitted it. Hadith No. 1907 of Mishkat al-Masabih.

Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "Every act of kindness is "sadaqah, and kindness includes meeting your brother with a cheerful face and pouring water from bucket into your brother's vessel."

Narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Ahmad and Tirmidhi transmitted it. Hadith No. 1910 of Mishkat al-Masabih.
Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said: "When one of you meets his brother, he should salute him, then if he meets him again after a tree, wall or stone has come between them, he should also salute him".

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Abu Dawud transmitted it.
The Prophet said, "It is not lawful for a Muslim to desert (not to speak to) his brother Muslim for more than three days while meeting, one turns his face to one side and the other turns his face to the other side. Lo! The better of the two is the one who starts greeting the other".

Narrated by Abu Aiyub (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Sahih Bukhari transmitted it. Vol 8:#254 of Sahih Bukhari.
The Prophet said, "Beware! Avoid sitting on the roads." They (the people) said, "O Allah's Apostle! We can't help sitting (on the roads) as these are (our places) where we have talks." The Prophet said, "If you refuse but to sit, then pay the road its right." They said, "What is the right of the road, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "Lowering your gaze, refraining from harming others, returning greeting, and enjoining what is good, and forbidding what is evil".

Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Sahih Bukhari transmitted it. Vol 3:#645 of Sahih Bukhari.
A man said, "Messenger of Allah (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam), when a man meets his brother or his friend should he bow to him?" He replied, 'No." He asked whether he should embrace and kiss him, and he replied, "No." He asked whether he should take his hand and shake it, and he replied, "Yes."

Narrated by Anas ibn Malik (Razi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Tirmidhi transmitted it. Hadith No.4680 of Mishkat al-Masabih.
Posted 03 May 2006

Topic: Hadees

Shahrukh Khan

Age: 125
7967 days old here
Total Posts: 43596
Points: 0

Netherlands, Netherlands
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: "Do not drink wine for it is the height of every obscenity." [61] (Part of a long Hadith).


Narrated by
Abdullah ibn Umar

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: "Allah has cursed wine, its drinker, its server, its seller, its buyer, its presser, the one for whom it is pressed, the one who conveys it, and the one to whom it is conveyed."


Narrated by
Abdullah ibn Umar ; Abdullah ibn Amr

Transmitted by Tirmidhi,Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and Darimi (Mishkat)
Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said, "If anyone drinks wine Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents Allah will forgive him. If he repeats the offence Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents Allah will forgive him. If he again repeats the offence Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, but if he repents Allah will forgive him. If he repeats it a fourth time Allah will not accept prayer from him for forty days, and if he repents Allah will not forgive him, but will give him to drink of the river of the fluid flowing from the inhabitants of Hell." [3643]


Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar

Transmitted by Muslim
Allah's Messenger (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: "Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter."


Narrated by
An-Nu'man ibn Bashir

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
I heard the Apostle of Allah (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) say: Wine is made from grape-syrup, raisins, dried dates, wheat, barley, millet, and I forbid you from every intoxicant.


Narrated by
Abdullah Ibn Abbas

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: "If anyone serves it (wine) to a minor who does not distinguish between the lawful and the unlawful, it is binding on Allah that He will give him (the giver) to drink the discharge of wounds, flowing from the inhabitants of Hell.


Narrated by
AbuMusa al-Ash'ari

Transmitted by Ahmad (Mishkat)
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said, "There are three who will not enter paradise: one who is addicted to wine, one who breaks ties of relationship, and one who believes in magic (means using it)." [3656]


Narrated by

Transmitted by Abu Dawud
The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam) said: "If he is intoxicated, flog him; again if he is intoxicated, flog him; again if he is intoxicated, flog him if he does it again a fourth time, kill him." AbuDawud said: And there is a similar tradition of Umar ibn AbuSalamah, from his father, on the authority of AbuHurayrah, from the Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wassallam): "If he drinks wine, flog him if he does it so again, a fourth time, kill him."


Narrated by
Tariq ibn Suwayd

Transmitted by Muslim (Mishkat)
Wa'il said: Tariq ibn Suwayd asked the Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi- wassallam) about wine, but he forbade it. Tariq said to him: Prophet of Allah, I want to use it as a medicine. The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi- wassallam) said: It's a not a medicine but a disease. [3642]
Posted 03 May 2006